Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Annette Messager

Annette Messager is an installation artist who mostly works with photos, prints and sketches. I have included her in my blog for the way in which she installs her pieces. Like Michael Maier, Messager uses strings, and the illusion of hanging.

I would like to use this in my own work; either painting a picture of pictures hanging or even use her installation approach and hang the painting themselves, bringing the painting into a more 3D Format.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I know ive already posted about Magritte but i didn't include this picture! I love the whole reflection/mirror image thing thats going on using positive and negative spaces. Something else i didn't mention is the bright blue sky Magritte often uses. Especially with some nice white n fluffy clouds! Nice!  : D

Not too sure how this will look in my paintings, but i think i will experiment with this. Why NOT!? Experimentation is the key right?  :P

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Michael Maier

I found this artist and was immediately taken by the feel of his artworks. I was first drawn in by the idea of hanging the subject in a puppet like way. This concept got me thinking and i don't think that their could be any limits ti this idea.

Although Michael Maier has only really suspended the dominant subject matter, why not suspend everything, clouds, text, birds etc etc... even suspend the painting itself. This concept could be a lot of fun.  :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tomoo Gokita

I love how this Japanese guy makes such interesting figures out of metal and industrial looking objects. I could easily take inspiration from this guy buy creating an object from my box... such as a wine glass, and paint it using metal looking objects, such as a bird cage.

I could also use Tomoo Gokita as a possible artist model for my painting folio.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jim Warren

Similar to Christian Rex van Minnen, Jim Warren has cleverly incorporated a woman's face into a surreal painting, by using aspects of the scenery or landscape to create the woman's face. Christian Rex Van Minnen's approach is slightly more surrealist though they same principle and effect has been created.

 Another interesting thing that Jim Warren often does in his painting can be seen below, where he paints a person, child or something else 'ripping through the background or sky'. This could be something very interesting to play with in paintings or even photographs. The painting below is titled 'Don't Mess With Mother Nature', and is a surrealist take on how mankind is destroying the earth through litter, and also expresses the rage of mother nature who is pairing through the sky/clouds. I think all of Jim's Art is very effective and interesting. : D

Vladimir Kush

Vladimir Kush is a surrealist artist who mostly use everyday objests and changes them into something out of the ordinary.

Kush's paintings clearly have a very 'cartoony' feel to them, yet he is still able to convey a realistic and believable picture, even in the surrealist scenes that he paints. Very impressive.  :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Camille Rose Garcia - Bill Hammond

Drips. They make nice backgrounds. Camille Rose Garcia and Bill Hammond are very good at this.... Let's take a look.

Bill Hammond

Camille Rose Garcia

As you can see they both have very different styles of painting, though what they achieve through their complex background is the same. It keeps the painting looking interesting, colourful, and surreal.  Something i would like to achieve in my own paintings. :D

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Lovers

I've always loved this CD album artwork, and after Luke showed my Rene Magritte's paintings, i realized that the album art was photography directly inspired by 'The Lovers' series by Rene Magritte.!
"Casually dresses and deep in Conversation" - Album ART

Rene Magritte - The Lovers

An obvious similarity between the two. Love both of them. The surrealist feel of the both, along with the colour pallet.  :D

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shirley Shelton

I like the simplicity of the painting and The limited variety of colour. very EFFECTIVE.  :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gabriel Moreno

Interesting idea of the way in which the image is set out - perhaps more of an artist model for folios rather that the intenal.  ?

Christian Rex van Minnen

This Guy uses a women's silhouette or figure and paints inside them, or even creates their face/form through a surreal style of painting. (below)

Richard Young

Richard young is a UK based artist who paints figures mostly in movement or dance. I love the use of lightinghe uses on his figures.

Paul Cava

Paul Cava is an artist who crosses between different Mediums in his artwork. For example using painting techniques and effects, in a photography peice. I like this idea, and in particular the way he uses stencils, negative space, and silhouettes. (above).  :)

Monday, February 7, 2011